If you are like many small and mid-sized businesses, you find yourself on the sales and marketing treadmill. The promise that the internet would drive traffic by just by having a website or utilizing social media often falls flat. Many businesses either have given up on having the internet actually work as the believed or still chase each new internet tool, hoping for the best. Many end up with a website that resembles an online brochure, anemic social media, and little engagement with the public.
At Operation Crusader, we see this all of the time. To have the internet work efficiently for your business, it takes a new approach beginning with a plan. It all begins with Permission and Educational Based Marketing. Narrowing the scope of that marketing to engage with your specific audience, your specific potential client, will allow you to energize engagement. This allows you to develop a strong sales and marketing funnel from connection through referral source.

The Core - Your Website
While there are many online tools available, the most important communication tool is your website. Every other online tool is shared space where someone else controls the algorithms. They are basically shared space. Your website is the only real estate that you actually own online and can control the visitor’s experience. This is why we work with our clients to develop websites.
For many businesses, their website just don’t work. Sure, they may look good but they are only serving the purpose of an online brochure. Your website is an employee which works for you 24/7, 365 days per year. We work closely with our clients to create a website that can expand and serve specific purposes. From basic sites, to eCommerce websites; from Membership sites to Hybrid approaches, your website needs to work to craft a user experience and drive revenue into your company.